McGolrick Bird Club Issue 003

We’re a little past halfway through peak bird migration, and McGolrick Park continues to enjoy a stream of beautiful passersthrough.

May 13th Bird Walk

Jess and Monise stepped in on Saturday to guide while Michael was away. During that walk, among other birds, a Warbling Vireo was spotted/logged on eBird for the first time at McGolrick Park, bringing the park’s list of logged bird species to 97! (See Bird Nerds section below for more on this.)

A Warbling Vireo! These berbs are identifiable by an off-white/yellow body under a light gray back, pronounced white eyebrow, and all-over-the-place call.

Can the McGolrick Bird Club spot 3 more bird species, bringing the number of species seen/logged at the park to 100 by the end of spring? Join our Saturday walks — meet at 9AM across from Variety — to find out! 

Kid’s (and new birder’s) Corner

Because we’re going to get real nerdy in this newsletter’s last section, let’s slow down for a second with — to be read in the singsong voice of many children: 🎵Kid’s-Corner!🎵

What’s in Kid’s Corner? How about the Top 5 Most Common birds of McGolrick Park!

These birds are all over McGolrick, and easily spotted with the naked eye. If you can manage to familiarize yourself with these 5 common birds (and their squeaks and squawks), you’ll be in great shape to begin discovering McGolrick Park’s wilder, less common birds. 

One more for the bookend: 🎵Kid’s-Corner!🎵

Bird Nerd Stuff

Ever curious what birds/migrants visit our park? Check out this link. It features the ~97 bird species that have been logged by McGolrick Park birders since 2014, via the canonical eBird app/database. With charts per bird — the months/weeks during which each bird was seen.

The size of each bar can be read like:

Rare --> Widespread

So if a bird is common to, or regularly seen in high numbers at the park, the chart will look more like this:

Whereas migrants look more like this, where April/Mays and Sep/Octobers are birds going north, then back south, respectively.

And here’s that first bird walk Warbling Vireo sighting, just to tie it all together:

That’s it for this week!

Let’s get zen and be punk and go birding together—and see what other birds show up!

See you in the park!


5/20/23 Sightings


5/13/23 Sightings