McGolrick Bird Club Issue 007
Simply walk McGolrick Park when you have time, like for 20 minutes before or after work. (Or better yet, come Saturdays at 9 anyway to see who else also shows up?)
Try to actively meditate when you walk the park. Like, instead of focusing on your own breath, focus on the breath of the trees & sky. (Sound woo-woo? It kinda is, dude! Try it. It’ll change your life.)
You may notice:
The park’s 5 regulars — American Robin, European Starling, House Sparrow, Mourning Dove, Pigeon — and the park’s sonic base layer formed by their calls/songs
The laser beam like call of a Northern Cardinal. There are a few Cardinal calls/songs but all are rhythmic and more sustained than a Starling’s whistle
The quick buzzsaw-like screech of a Blue Jay
The static-y alien twitters of bat-like Chimney Swifts, who look like cigars with wings in NYC’s summer skies
The Northern Flickers, near the park’s south entrance, in the backwards crescent-shaped hole
Be on the lookout for our favorite birds holding fecal sacs, the bird equivalent of dirty diapers, when leaving the cavity. This would be a welcome sign of breeding! Example:
That’s it for this week!
Let’s get zen and be punk and go birding together—and see what other birds show up!