
McGolrick Art Club

McGolrick Art Club

Use McGolrick Park as your muse and join us for McGolrick Art Club on Saturday, March 22 at 9:30 am! All ages and skill levels are welcome.

This plein air (French for open air) style art session will be led by local artist Sebastian Deregibus.

BYO supplies and inspiration! 🖌️

Additional information:

Schedule (3hrs approx)
9:30am, group meet, pep talk
10:00am, disperse to paint or draw, individual coaching
12Pm, regroup, share artwork & experience, disband
suggested Materials
Prepared art panels, small scale (4” x 6” & 5” x 7” approx), sketchbooks, or mixed media pads
Any medium; dry or water based recommended, watercolor/acrylics/color pencils/pastels/gouache/casein
bring water, to drink & to clean brushes as you work
bring a hat if it's sunny
plan to stand (if you have a portable easel) or sit (on a portable stool or park bench)
the light will change, the wind will blow and the insects will buzz, these are the hallmarks of Plein Air, embrace and enjoy :)
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Earth Day

Earth Day

Beginning at 9am we’ll have a day full of earth-friendly events, including a book, clothing and plant swap, park cleanup, and McGolrick Bird and Art Clubs. 

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McGolrick Art Club

McGolrick Art Club

Use McGolrick Park as your muse and join us for McGolrick Art Club during our Earth Day festivities on Saturday, April 26 at 9:30 am! All ages and skill levels are welcome.

This plein air (French for open air) style art session will be led by local artist Sebastian Deregibus.

BYO supplies and inspiration! 🖌️

Additional information:

Schedule (3hrs approx)
9:30am, group meet, pep talk
10:00am, disperse to paint or draw, individual coaching
12Pm, regroup, share artwork & experience, disband
suggested Materials
Prepared art panels, small scale (4” x 6” & 5” x 7” approx), sketchbooks, or mixed media pads
Any medium; dry or water based recommended, watercolor/acrylics/color pencils/pastels/gouache/casein
bring water, to drink & to clean brushes as you work
bring a hat if it's sunny
plan to stand (if you have a portable easel) or sit (on a portable stool or park bench)
the light will change, the wind will blow and the insects will buzz, these are the hallmarks of Plein Air, embrace and enjoy :)
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Park Cleanup

Park Cleanup

Join us for a park cleanup from 10am to noon! Buckets, trash pickers, and gloves will be provided.

All ages are welcome. See you there!

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McGolrick Art Club

McGolrick Art Club

Use McGolrick Park as your muse and join us for McGolrick Art Club on Saturday, May 17 at 9:30 am! All ages and skill levels are welcome.

This plein air (French for open air) style art session will be led by local artist Sebastian Deregibus.

BYO supplies and inspiration! 🖌️

Additional information:

Schedule (3hrs approx)
9:30am, group meet, pep talk
10:00am, disperse to paint or draw, individual coaching
12Pm, regroup, share artwork & experience, disband
suggested Materials
Prepared art panels, small scale (4” x 6” & 5” x 7” approx), sketchbooks, or mixed media pads
Any medium; dry or water based recommended, watercolor/acrylics/color pencils/pastels/gouache/casein
bring water, to drink & to clean brushes as you work
bring a hat if it's sunny
plan to stand (if you have a portable easel) or sit (on a portable stool or park bench)
the light will change, the wind will blow and the insects will buzz, these are the hallmarks of Plein Air, embrace and enjoy :)
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McGolrick Art Club

McGolrick Art Club

Use McGolrick Park as your muse and join us for McGolrick Art Club on Saturday, June 28 at 9:30 am! All ages and skill levels are welcome.

This plein air (French for open air) style art session will be led by local artist Sebastian Deregibus.

BYO supplies and inspiration! 🖌️

Additional information:

Schedule (3hrs approx)
9:30am, group meet, pep talk
10:00am, disperse to paint or draw, individual coaching
12Pm, regroup, share artwork & experience, disband
suggested Materials
Prepared art panels, small scale (4” x 6” & 5” x 7” approx), sketchbooks, or mixed media pads
Any medium; dry or water based recommended, watercolor/acrylics/color pencils/pastels/gouache/casein
bring water, to drink & to clean brushes as you work
bring a hat if it's sunny
plan to stand (if you have a portable easel) or sit (on a portable stool or park bench)
the light will change, the wind will blow and the insects will buzz, these are the hallmarks of Plein Air, embrace and enjoy :)
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McGolrick Art Club

McGolrick Art Club

Use McGolrick Park as your muse and join us for McGolrick Art Club on Saturday, July 12 at 9:30 am! All ages and skill levels are welcome.

This plein air (French for open air) style art session will be led by local artist Sebastian Deregibus.

BYO supplies and inspiration! 🖌️

Additional information:

Schedule (3hrs approx)
9:30am, group meet, pep talk
10:00am, disperse to paint or draw, individual coaching
12Pm, regroup, share artwork & experience, disband
suggested Materials
Prepared art panels, small scale (4” x 6” & 5” x 7” approx), sketchbooks, or mixed media pads
Any medium; dry or water based recommended, watercolor/acrylics/color pencils/pastels/gouache/casein
bring water, to drink & to clean brushes as you work
bring a hat if it's sunny
plan to stand (if you have a portable easel) or sit (on a portable stool or park bench)
the light will change, the wind will blow and the insects will buzz, these are the hallmarks of Plein Air, embrace and enjoy :)
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McGolrick Art Club

McGolrick Art Club

Use McGolrick Park as your muse and join us for McGolrick Art Club on Saturday, August 9 at 9:30 am! All ages and skill levels are welcome.

This plein air (French for open air) style art session will be led by local artist Sebastian Deregibus.

BYO supplies and inspiration! 🖌️

Additional information:

Schedule (3hrs approx)
9:30am, group meet, pep talk
10:00am, disperse to paint or draw, individual coaching
12Pm, regroup, share artwork & experience, disband
suggested Materials
Prepared art panels, small scale (4” x 6” & 5” x 7” approx), sketchbooks, or mixed media pads
Any medium; dry or water based recommended, watercolor/acrylics/color pencils/pastels/gouache/casein
bring water, to drink & to clean brushes as you work
bring a hat if it's sunny
plan to stand (if you have a portable easel) or sit (on a portable stool or park bench)
the light will change, the wind will blow and the insects will buzz, these are the hallmarks of Plein Air, embrace and enjoy :)
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January Park Cleanup + Mulchfest

January Park Cleanup + Mulchfest

This It's My Park season, volunteer with Friends of McGolrick Park at their first event of the year to clean up the park. Bundle up and help us keep our park beautiful! Meet the Friends of McGolrick at our table by the pavilion from 10-12. Pickers, gloves and trash receptacles provided. We hope to see you there!

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Holiday Toy Drive

Holiday Toy Drive

Donate to Lincoln Restler’s Holiday Toy Drive @ McGolrick

Lincoln Restler’s office is collecting gifts for youth in need at the five schools identified in our school equity initiative. They will accept unwrapped new toys, arts & crafts sets, science kits, board games, card games, balls and other sports gear, books, hotwheels, cartoon figurines, dolls, squishmallows, and more for ages 5-13. Drop-Off at McGolrick is scheduled for Sunday, December 15 from 9AM to 12PM in the Farmer’s Market.

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Eco Day at McGolrick Park

Eco Day at McGolrick Park

Sunday, October 6, 9am-12pm, McGolrick Park Pavilion 

Join Councilmember Lincoln Restler for an eco-conscious day! The office will give away free leaf bags and compost and offer free home testing and mitigation for those who live or own a business within the boundary of the Meeker Ave. Plume Superfund site. There are free mitigation devices to keep people safe wherever needed.

Reserve your bag of compost here!

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Tree Care with Councilmember Lincoln Restler

Tree Care with Councilmember Lincoln Restler

Sunday, September 22 | 2–4PM | Meet at the corner of Nassau Ave. and Russell St.

Join us for tree bed maintenance to improve our tree canopy and prevent flooding in our community. We will weed, clean any refuse out of tree beds, cultivate the soil to break up compaction, add compost and mulch, and clear storm drains along our route. Please wear comfortable clothes appropriate for the weather and close-toed shoes. 

Sign up here.

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Back to School Swap and Cleanup

Back to School Swap and Cleanup

Show the park some love at our cleanup on Sunday, September 15 from 10am to noon! Buckets, trash pickers, and gloves will be provided.

Also, we’re hosting a respectful kids’ garment and book exchange beginning at 11am.

The fine print:

  1. Bring a maximum of two bags of clean, folded, buttoned/zipped clothing, sorted by size.

  2. No clothes with holes or stains, please!

  3. The remaining items will be brought to textile recycling.

  4. We are currently not accepting new book donations, but feel free to take as many books as you’d like.

See you there! 😊 ♻️ 🗑

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McGolrick Nature Walks: Pollinators and Insects with Jay Holmes from AMNH

McGolrick Nature Walks: Pollinators and Insects with Jay Holmes from AMNH

You may already be familiar with pollinators like bees and butterflies but did you know other insects such as flies and beetles are pollinators too?

Join Jay Holmes from the American Museum of Natural History as he provides an overview of the main groups of insect pollinators—including their life cycles and habitat requirements. There will be insect specimens for viewing with magnifying glasses. All levels and ages are welcome.




*you must complete the cart check out to secure your spot!*

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McGolrick Art Club

McGolrick Art Club

Use McGolrick Park as your muse and join us for McGolrick Art Club on Saturday, June 15 at 9 am! All ages and skill levels are welcome.

This plein air (French for open air) style art session will be led by local artist Sebastian Deregibus.

Please RSVP in advance; BYO supplies and inspiration! 🖌️

Additional information:

Schedule (3hrs approx)
9am, group meet, pep talk and garden tour
9:30am, disperse to paint or draw, individual coaching
12Pm, regroup, share artwork & experience, disband
suggested Materials
Prepared art panels, small scale (4” x 6” & 5” x 7” approx), sketchbooks, or mixed media pads
Any medium; dry or water based recommended, watercolor/acrylics/color pencils/pastels/gouache/casein
bring water, to drink & to clean brushes as you work
bring a hat
plan to stand (if you have a portable easel) or sit (on a portable stool or park bench)
the light will change, the wind will blow and the insects will buzz, these are the hallmarks of Plein Air, embrace and enjoy :)




*you must complete the cart check out to secure your spot!*

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McGolrick Nature Walks: Gardening Ecology, Insect Plant Associations with Chris Kreussling

McGolrick Nature Walks: Gardening Ecology, Insect Plant Associations with Chris Kreussling

photo courtesy Chris Kreussling

Garden vitality and health are key to building a sustainable, nurturing environment for all living creatures. Please join us for a garden ecology session with Chris Kreussling (The Flatbush Gardener). We’ll study plants, insects, and animals and how they all work together to create a harmonious habitat.

All levels and ages are welcome.




*you must complete the cart check out to secure your spot!*

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McGolrick Nature Walks: Plein Air Session with Artist Sebastian Deregibus and Horticulturist Alex Kuchta

McGolrick Nature Walks: Plein Air Session with Artist Sebastian Deregibus and Horticulturist Alex Kuchta

Join us for a plein air (French for open air) style art session with local artist Sebastian Deregibus. Our event will begin with a discussion about our plants in bloom, led by Horticulturist Alex Kuchta followed by a guided art session, with McGolrick Park as your muse.

Please RSVP in advance as supplies are limited.

Additional information:

Schedule (3hrs approx)
9am, group meet, pep talk, garden tour
9:30am, disperse to paint or draw, individual coaching
12Pm, regroup, share artwork & experience, disband
suggested Materials
Prepared art panels, small scale (4” x 6” & 5” x 7” approx), sketchbooks, or mixed media pads
Any medium; dry or water based recommended, watercolor/acrylics/color pencils/pastels/gouache/casein
bring water, to drink & to clean brushes as you work
bring a hat
plan to stand (if you have a portable easel) or sit (on a portable stool or park bench)
the light will change, the wind will blow and the insects will buzz, these are the hallmarks of Plein Air, embrace and enjoy :)




*you must complete the cart check out to secure your spot!*

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McGolrick Nature Walks: Bird Migration Outing + Journaling with Local Nature Lab

McGolrick Nature Walks: Bird Migration Outing + Journaling with Local Nature Lab

Greet the first spring migrants, including sparrows and warblers at this bird migration outing led by Local Nature Lab, an organization committed to promoting a love for nature and conservation through education.

Learn the basics of birding and search for the hundreds of species that visit McGolrick Park throughout the year.

Participants will receive a Bird Explorers Guide, to draw birds seen during the outing. All levels and ages are welcome. A limited supply of binoculars are available to borrow.




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Who Were The Eckfords?

Who Were The Eckfords?

Join Friends of McGolrick and Greenpoint Library for a talk with local historian, author, and neighbor, Tom Gilbert who will discuss how baseball's origins are intertwined with the history of New York City and Brooklyn.

Tom is the author of many books, including Playing First, which tells the stories of dozens of 19th-century baseball men who are buried in Brooklyn's Green-Wood cemetery, and How Baseball Happened, a divergent take on the game's origins and spread that won the 2020 Casey Award for best baseball book of the year.

April 4th from 5:30-7:30 at Greenpoint Library.

Register here.

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February Cleanup

February Cleanup

Show the park some love at our cleanup this Sunday, February 11 from 10am to noon! Buckets, trash pickers, and gloves will be provided.

All ages are welcome! See you there!

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January Cleanup

January Cleanup

We invite you to celebrate and honor Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service with us at our first cleanup of the year, this Sunday, January 14 at 10am. Buckets, trash pickers, and gloves will be provided.

All ages are welcome! See you there!

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McGolrick Nature Walks

McGolrick Nature Walks

Sunday, November 12th, join us for a Nature Walk with Arborist John Kilcullen

Learn more about how McGolrick Park’s trees connect, communicate, and adapt to the environment around them during a tour with John Kilcullen, NYC Department of Parks & Recreation Arborist and Director of the Conference House Park on Staten Island. Kilcullen will discuss the history of the park’s amazing trees including the ash tree and the London plane trees, which make up the park’s beautiful tree canopy.

The tour begins at 11 am. Meet up at the Driggs and Russell Street Entrance inside the park.

McGolrick Nature Walks are brought to you by friends of mcgolrick with support from City Parks Foundation and Partnerships for Parks through the NYC Green Fund
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Fall Festival

Fall Festival

Celebrate the changing season with arts and crafts, daffodil bulb planting, a book exchange, storytelling, and more.

A full list of the day’s activities includes:

9 AM Garden Walk 
Learn more about the wonders hidden within the McGolrick flower beds on a Nature Walk through the park with our gardeners Lauren Clark and Alex Kutcha, joined by Lisa Bloodgood, Director of Horticulture for North Brooklyn Parks Alliance

10 AM – 12PM 
Daffodil Bulb Planting  
Roll up your sleeves and help get daffodil bulbs in the ground for spring! Come dressed for planting. Tools and bulbs will be provided by NBPA. All ages are welcome! No sign up required.

Book Exchange 
Take a book, leave a book! Peruse our collection of gently used books or drop off any you're ready to part with. Please limit any donations to one bag. 

Plant & Seed Swap
Bring propagated cuttings and healthy potted plants to our swap. Plus, take home new plants and seeds for your home provided by
McCarren Demo Garden.

Yarn Swap and Circle

Craft with Greenpoint Art Circle

See yourself in cartoon form. Get drawn up by Cartoons by Hilary

Free soil testing with North Brooklyn Neighbors 
Bring a sample of your backyard soil (about two cups) in a clear, plastic sandwich bag to be tested for heavy metal (lead). The results will be available immediately.

11 AM Story Time 
Lisons ensemble!  Przeczytajmy razem!  Gather for story time in English, French, and Polish. Brought to you in part by the French committee of the PS 110 PTA.

11:30 AM Breathwork and Meditation 
This calming meditation is designed to help introduce children to mindfulness through focused breath work. Led by Bea Wolert

12 PM Pie Eating Contest with Pie Corps
Show off your competitive eating skills at our very first Pie Eating Competition sponsored by our neighbors at Pie CorpsEnter the competition here.

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McGhoulrick Halloween

McGhoulrick Halloween

Join Friends of McGolrick and McGolrick Dog Run for McGhoulrick Halloween 2023!




4pm Children's parade

6pm Dog parade


Photo booth by @mondlockmoments

Polarioids by @picturemanbob

Dog treat buffet by @leosleashes

Dog treats by @bakedwithlovebynicole

Bulk candy giveaways by

Dog and human tarot readings

Painting scavenger hunt by @stevewasterval

games, & prizes from @varietycoffee, @districtdogbk, @greta.brooklyn, @parachutebrooklyn, @sitstillkidsnyc, @lastplacebk,, @twinkleplayspace,, @exhibitsalon & more

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Puppetmobile presents Little Red's Hood

Puppetmobile presents Little Red's Hood

Little Red’s Hood is a fresh retelling of the classic ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ tale updated with a modern sensibility that appeals to kids. In this story, Little Red is a smart, young city dweller who is obsessed with her smartphone. Wulfric, a misunderstood wolf with a sweet tooth, crosses paths with Little Red on her travels to deliver her Grandma cupcakes and the trouble begins. This story offers a comical lesson on the importance to disconnect from our digital lives and enjoy real life moment with friends and family.

Join us for shows at 10 and 11 AM in McGolrick Park!

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McGolrick Garden Club

McGolrick Garden Club

McGolrick Garden Club and Plant Giveaway 


North Brooklyn Parks Alliance Plant Swap and Garden Club

Join us Sunday at 9am for a big park-planting day! North Brooklyn Parks Alliance will be planting an array of pollinators that prefer full sun. Varieties include Great Blue Lobelia, Rattlesnake Master, Pale Purple Coneflower, and Mountain Mint, all sourced from Citywide Nursery. We’ll be focusing on the garden beds adjacent to the Russell and N. Henry St. entrances. RSVP here

NBPA will also be giving away a variety of plants for your home garden as well. These include Purple Coneflower, Virginia Strawberry, Wild Bergamot / Wild Bee Balm, and Foxglove Beardtongue among many others. These plants were all grown in NBK Parks Native Nursery at Under the K Bridge Park using seeds donated by Greenbelt Native Plant Center. Volunteers helped plant these seeds in early January and they are finally ready for distribution to neighbors, parks, and community gardens! 

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Community Clean Up & Visioning Session

Community Clean Up & Visioning Session

Find us at our market table on Sunday, October 1 for a visioning session about improving safety for the streets around McGolrick Park.

+ Join us and the PS110 PTA for the first clean-up of fall! The person to bring us the heaviest haul of found litter will win a piece of PS110 merch of their choosing!

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Urban Park Rangers and Kids' Back to School Clothing Swap

Urban Park Rangers and Kids' Back to School Clothing Swap

Greenpoint Baby and Kids' Back-to-School Clothing Swap
10 AM–12 PM

Exchange clean, gently used clothing and accessories for the new school year at this back-to-school clothing swap. Gently worn clothing for babies and children will be sorted by size for ease. Please bring clean, folded, buttoned, and zipped clothes with no stains or holes. Fall and winter clothes are appreciated. 

Nature Reflection and Journaling at McGolrick Park 
1–2 PM 

Join the Urban Park Rangers in a meditative walk through McGolrick Park. Guests are invited to make a nature journal while practicing being present through creative endeavors. Meet up by the lawn area at Monitor Street and Driggs Avenue. For more info, visit

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McGolrick Nights

McGolrick Nights

Celebrate summer at McGolrick Nights: Wednesday evenings 6-10 pm

Created by guitarist and Greenpointer, Kaki King

All family-friendly events will take place on silent disco-style headphones.

Wednesday, June 28

Sick and tired of adults trying to convince you that their music is cool? Come listen to the fresh beats that kids love and adults can't stand! DJ Coop will hook you up with the best of the bops-that-slap and viral Tiktok jams.

In order to leave a burning planet and survive in space you have to alter your genome and grow into a body capable of photosynthesis. This brilliant experience by @thisyearning guides you through the process of becoming something entirely new, as long as you accept the side effects of the "medicine."

Greenpoint locals @chesthighfires present a special acoustic set for McGolrick Nights, featuring @samkogon . Soothing songwriter tunes sprinkled with just enough cowgirl boot dust to remind us that you can take @carrieashleyh out of Texas but she will never forget the Alamo.

Slow jams by homos made for public consumption. Let Sam Smith, MUNA, Frank Ocean, and contemporaries gently guide you into a beautiful summer evening. HAPPY PRIDE EVERYONE!

Center of McGolrick, rain or shine. Please bring id or cc in return for headphones. Suggested donation is $10 per hour or per experience.

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Greenpoint Community Bike Ride and Picnic

Greenpoint Community Bike Ride and Picnic

🚲 Greenpoint Community Bike Ride and Picnic
Celebrate Bike Month with your neighbors with a park-to-park ride! All ages are welcome! 

May 13th, 10AM
with Friends of Cooper Park and Friends of McGolrick Park

📍10 AM Meet at Cooper Park, light bicycle tune-ups offered and giveaways courtesy of Transportation Alternatives
10:15 AM Community ride takeoff to McGolrick Park - experienced guides will lead the way

Bring your own picnic to enjoy with your neighbors post-ride!

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May Community Clean Up

May Community Clean Up

Join us for our monthly Sunday McGolrick Park Cleanup this Sunday, May 7th from 10am-noon.

Trash bags, trash pickers, and gloves will be provided. All ages are welcome! Meet up location at our table in the market.

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