Nature Walk with the Flatbush Gardener, May 19th 2024
Studying plants and insects is important when understanding a garden's ability to promote environmental and human health. We asked urban gardener Chris Kreussling to speak about the unique spaces in McGolrick Park. Chris visited our park in May to lead a tour focused on our native plants as well as the insects and pollinators that help sustain the park’s habitat.
Using magnifying glasses the group observed many unique species including an Orchard Orbweaver, which Chris explained likes to visit in the spring to grow and nest their webs all while helping to rid the park of insect pests. Although Orchard Orbweavers are helpful to humans they are easy prey for birds and reptiles, bats, and rodents. Even other spiders eat them.
We also observed monarch butterflies, aphids and anystidae as well as other insects which all help gardens at McGolrick thrive.